Robotic Spine Surgery

What is Robotic Spine Surgery

Open spine surgery, a traditional approach, involves making a large incision in the skin and dissecting the muscles to access the spine. This can cause trauma to the muscles and other tissues, resulting in significant postoperative pain and blood loss and a longer recovery time.

Compared to traditional open spine surgery, endoscopic Robotic spine surgery is a minimally invasive option. Dr. Shelby Burks only needs to make a small incision, through which he inserts a cannula that’s roughly the size of a pen. By using fluoroscopic guidance and surgical tools, he’s able to access and treat the affected area of the spine.

The minimally invasive Robotic spine surgery uses a medical Robotic to treat damaged disc tissue and remove soft tissue, bone, or any structures compressing the nerves. This technique causes minimal or no damage to the surrounding tissues and leaves almost no scarring.

Benefits of Robotic Spine Surgery

Robotic spine surgery works towards providing a significant reduction in severe or constant discomfort. Since the surgery is minimally invasive, Dr. Shelby Burks can perform it in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia.

Other benefits of this surgery include:-

  • Less pain
  • Low risk of complications
  • Minimal scarring
  • Less bleeding
  • Short recovery times

Who is a Candidate for Robotic Spine Surgery?

Minimally invasive Robotic spine surgery is considered ideal for patients who:

  • Suffer from spinal conditions such as a herniated disc, sciatica, spinal stenosis, etc.
  • Are facing difficulty working, engaging in day-to-day activities, or exercising due to a spine condition?
  • Have tried out all non-surgical treatment procedures, including physical therapy and injections, without any significant improvement in condition.

Robotic spine surgery may not be suitable for everyone or all types of spinal conditions. Typically, we consider it a treatment option when conventional methods have proven unsuccessful in addressing disc problems and spinal arthritis. However, to determine whether you are a suitable candidate, it is best to schedule a consultation at our clinic.

During your first appointment, Dr. Shelby Burks will have a discussion with you regarding your medical history, symptoms, and concerns. He will also review any imaging studies you may have and perform a physical examination. Afterward, he will provide you with a diagnosis and customized treatment recommendations and address any concerns or questions you may have. Dr. Shelby Burks always takes the time to ensure that you have a complete understanding of your condition and the potential risks and benefits of your treatment options

What to Expect After Robotic Spine Surgery?

Dr. Shelby Burks will administer a numbing agent to the treatment area prior to beginning the procedure, and provide a sedative to ensure patient comfort. He uses only advanced Robotic technology to either excise or reduce targeted tissues, alleviate pain, or decompress an impinged nerve. To ensure optimal precision and accuracy, Dr. Burks relies on imaging technology to guide the Robotic during the procedure.

The recovery time following Robotic spine surgery varies from person to person. In most cases, patients are able to leave the hospital on the same day as the procedure. However, it is important to arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home. During the recovery period, it is essential to rest as much as possible, take medications as prescribed by Dr. Shelby Burks, and avoid engaging in any strenuous activities until your surgeon gives the green light. Additionally, it is crucial to attend all scheduled follow-up visits with Dr. Burks to monitor your healing progress and pain levels.

Are you suffering from severe or ongoing pain and want relief? Call us or book an appointment online today. We will let you know if Robotic spine surgery is right for you.

Robotic Spine Surgery Specialist in Miami

Dr. Shelby Burks is a preeminent Miami-based surgeon who specializes in minimally invasive procedures of the spine. In his practice, he incorporates cutting-edge techniques and state-of-the-art technology to deliver superior care. Among these advancements is Robotic spine surgery, which represents a groundbreaking alternative to traditional open back surgery. Rather than conventional surgical instruments, Robotic-based endoscopic spinal treatments are employed to great effect.

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Contact Details

1120 NW 14th Street, Miami, Florida 33136

Mon to Sat : 9:00am – 6:00pm

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